
Peter and me with Charlie Clarke
at 13 Dover Road

With Richard in Old Portsmouth

Faye, Alison and Sarah in Paris

Me, Hammy and Ron in Barbadosl

Andrew and me at Stud Land


A year as PRO for Portsmouth City Council included the promotion of the Queens Silver Jubilee review of the Fleet at Spithead. I even met Her Majesty.

I then took a six-week trip around the USA travelling on a $99 Greyhound bus ticket. My first visit to New York lasted just 24 hours, but it began a love affair with the City that continues to this day (although I might just as easily stayed as a hippy in San Francisco where I was picked up by the Moonies! )

On returning to the UK I briefly worked in the DTI Press Office and met Charlie Clarke, then doubled my salary when I joined IBM and helped to launch the IBM PC. I moved from Portsmouth, to Basingstoke, and had a magical spell working in Paris. Loads of visitors joined me in my tiny flat, including Alison Hird, Ron Cantwell, Trevor Moss and Peter Toseland, and we had a great time.

On my return to the UK I met Andrew in the Roof Gardens in Kensington, and hence our logo is the flamingo. With IBM I didn't get to the USA, so I moved to PA Management Consultants where, as International PR Manager I had to go to Princeton once a month.

Andrew and I found a flat in Kennington and have lived in the 'KENNINGTON TRIANGLE' ever since.

The Adventures of Hairy Pillock

Watch my short Super8 movie of our magical mystery tour to Lacock Folk festival in about 1973. Paul Johnson and friends also drove this old Portsmouth Corporation double-decker bus to Venice and to Barcelona. The last minute features us all stripping!

In Philadelphia

IBM clone

Zena the Warrior


